Monday, January 24, 2011

HID Prox Card with Feature ID card Printer

HID proximity cards are complex, to inform the cardholder wrong. It is difficult to see how a card the size of your credit card can open a locked door or to unlock a computer network is secure. The card is able to work through the provision of information to an onboard computer that the gateway and the network through a system of licensing control. Often with an identification card printed card printer uses a contactless card in a complex access control system is working to facilitate access a. The press in reporting on software that uses the data to a database analysis strictly controlled. The program finds a match in the database. If the game is the software program allows access to the necessary approvals are. The system is in a secure position by sending information to the area so that the operator can react.

For this system, an organization with a card reader access control panel and a computer running the system. When properly installed the entire system functions rather than human security office. The credentials are verified electronically and only authorized cardholders in buildings or computer networks are in the allowed hour allowed. The code inside the card is a binary code. This is a series of zeros and ones that have a certain order. The binary code is transmitted to the card reader. The objective is the code reader and transmitted to the control panel to access the database analyzes the code obtained. Sometimes additional coding is inside the card besides the actual encoding of the access panel required. The reader is able to distinguish coding and is not transferred to the sequence of code in the access control panel for consideration.

The first step is to analyze the length of the string and the encoding format. Once you have completed and set encoding settings in the specification for access control on the next step.  To continue reviewing the data on the card check that the number of controller cards. Numbers allowed or disallowed for specific times and dates. When all the games, the pulse relay is activated by the system and the door is open for access.  If there is something in the order that matches the controller can reject the request for access. Some systems do not respond. Other systems provide a response to the cardholder indicating that access is denied, and some may even be a cause.  It is for those who support changing the system of access to the database by the computer at regular intervals standard. The software can be accessed from your computer without permission. If approved, the operator can update cardholder information, enable or disable card permanently or for specific times, and you can configure the access device at the door if necessary.

Reports can be provided by the software application for consideration of access applications, approvals, denial of access and other various reports on system usage are available.

Best HID Prox Card with Feature Magicard ID card Printer

Magicard Pronto
Magicard Enduro
Magicard Tango


  1. Remarkable words, with well selection of words simple and easy to understand......Plastic card
